miercuri, 30 iulie 2008


uneori sun la un numar. poate stiu dinainte sa apas pe butonul verde ca ecourile telefonului meu vor ramane simple ecouri. simple...asa le vad eu. insa nu am de unde sa stiu cum apar pe ecranul celuilalt telefon. poate sunt stelute naucitoare ce se zbantuie pe micul ecran determinand imposibilitatea ta de a apasa la randul tau un buton verde. dar eu sun. sun pentru ca sunt egoista si am nevoie de o voce noua care sa-mi distraga atentia de la propria-mi voce. of, vocea mea, care nu e de fapt niciodata doar a mea, care e mereu incarcata de alte voci ce vin usor usor din spate si ma prind in jocul lor pervers. nici nu stiu cand am inceput sa am vocea mamei. sau pe-a ta, tata. ma iau prin surprindere mereu si mereu in panze de paianjen intortocheate. un scenarui interminabil in care eu ma privesc cu un ochi critic de langa mine. surprind cu coada ochiului fraze nelalocul lor, pline de metafore straine si incerc sa le apuc mai bine, sa le tin cat mai strans la piept, sa le constrang sa intre in fiinta mea si sa-mi apartina. tot ce iese este un fals original pe alocuri, bucatele frante din vietile altora lipite stangaci in viata mea dulce-amaruie. imi vreau puzzle-ul inapoi, vreau sa-mi fac singura piesele si sa invat cum sa le potrivesc. stiu ca intelegeti asta la fel de bine cum stiu si ca uneori iubirea te impiedica sa-ti lasi puiul sa creasca. ce paradox real.


If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late.
And if I were a good man,
I'd talk with you
More often than I do.

If I were to sleep, I could dream.
If I were afraid, I could hide.
If I go insane, please don't put
Your wires in my brain.

If I were the moon, I'd be cool.
If I were a rule, I would bend.
If I were a good man, I'd understand
The spaces between friends.

If I were alone, I would cry.
And if I were with you, I'd be home and dry.
And if I go insane,
Will you still let me join in with the game?

If I were a swan, I'd be gone.
If I were a train, I'd be late again.
If I were a good man,
I'd talk with you
More often than I do.

marți, 8 iulie 2008

cand stii?

  • cand stai bosumflata toata ziua din motive prostesti care n-au legatura cu tine
  • cand nu stergi cursuri care nu-s ale tale cu gandul ca poate ii vor mai fi de folos
  • cand tii in mana ta o mana calda fara sa-ti pui intrebari de genul "oare ce crede? ce vrea? ce simte?"
  • cand doar te bucuri de cele mai placute emotii
  • cand esti tu si el e inca langa tine
  • cand ai o lacrima in coltul ochiului in anumite momente, la susurul anumitor melodii sau in urma unui val

stiu, sunt fata, asta e

luni, 7 iulie 2008

missed me

plimbandu-mi ochii pe versurile acestei melodii, cu sunet surd in fundal, am incercat sa ma hotarasc ce strofa sa aleg. o strofa ce reprezinta starea mea de spirit. lesne de inteles ca nu am putut sa iau o decizie, asa ca am pus toata melodia. dar am incercat, zau ca am incercat!

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you kiss me mister i might tell my sister
if i tell her mister she might tell my mother and my
mother, mister, just might tell my father and my father
mister he won't be too happy and he'll have his lawyer
come up from the city and arrest you mister
so i wouldnt miss me if you get me, mister, see?

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you kiss me mister you must think im pretty
if you think so mister you must want to fuck me
if you fuck me mister it must mean you love me
if you love me mister you would never leave me
it's as simple as can be!

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you miss me mister why do you keep leaving
if you trick me mister i will make you suffer
and they'll get you mister put you in the slammer and forget
you mister then i think you'll miss me won't you miss me
won't you miss me

missed me missed me now you've got to kiss me
if you kiss me mister take responsibility
i'm fragile mister just like any girl would be
and so misunderstood (so treat me delicately!)

missed me missed me now you've gone and done it
hope you're happy in the county penitentiary
it serves you right for kissing little girls but i will visit if you miss me
do you miss me? MISS ME??
how's the food they feed you??
do you miss me
will you kiss me through the window?
do you MISS ME? MISS ME??!!
will they ever let you go???
i miss my mister so!!!!